por Deivison Arthur
Co-Founder & CEO - EB.TECH
3 min

The impact of technology on human intelligence and the utopia of computational consciousness.

René Descartes once said, "The problem with humanity is that it walks around and thinks it exists. If you take people's memory away, they don't even know how to get back home. That's why I say, 'I think, therefore I am!'"


Technology is causing part of humanity to cease to exist. Anthropologist Yuval Noah Harari, author of 'Sapiens', predicts that many professionals will not only become unemployed, but also unemployable.

"A new class of people must emerge by 2050: the useless" is what an article from the portal época negócios from 2018 says.

These provocative statements by René Descartes and Yuval Harari make us reflect on how technology is increasingly replacing our memory and emotional intelligence (the eternal search for likes), and influencing our perception of existence.

Today, we live in a world where dependence on social networks is increasingly common, especially among young people. But to what extent is this distancing us from our true essence?

Technology is using structured processing (a complex set of IFs) to replace our memory and intelligence. People are forgetting essential information, such as storing phone numbers, addresses, and even basic calculation skills.

Excessive dependence on technology is causing the average human being to lose their ability to remember and perform simple tasks without external help.

Social networks and the search for existence:

The younger generation starts their lives already connected to social networks. While some global celebrities openly talk about not allowing their children to have access to their own platforms.

The Netflix series "Detox" portrays this experience, where young people go without social media for a month. The fear of being forgotten or losing their importance is a common concern.

It is time for us to reflect on how to balance technology with the development of cognitive skills and memory. We are experiencing a technological revolution that is radically transforming society in all aspects.

However, it is important to emphasize that the utopia of computational consciousness, which many fear, does not exist. Current artificial intelligence is far from being considered intelligent, let alone conscious. Even the most impressive neural networks are unable to reason logically and coherently. We must approach technology with a critical eye and avoid falling into unfounded fear of machine domination.

Technology is challenging our memory and our perception of existence. It is essential to find a healthy balance between the use of technology and the development of cognitive skills.

We must be aware of the negative impacts while also taking advantage of the numerous advantages that technology offers.

And you... do you exist?